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More About Russ

Our friend, Russ, is a 39 year old Cystic Fibrosis patient. Diagnosed with the disease in 1974 at the age of 4, there were very few treatments available other than antibiotics and a very strict diet. The average life expectancy at that time was 10-12 years. Over the past 35 years, there have been tremendous advancements in treating Cystic Fibrosis. While these advancements have truly been a blessing to Russ and 30,000 others in the US who live with the disease, the costs of treatment are tremendous.


In an average month, Russ requires $6,500 of prescriptions, doctor visits, and respiratory treatments. In a month when he requires intravenous antibiotic treatments, these costs exceed $15,000. As you might expect, this kind of financial burden has brought Russ near bankruptcy on many occasions. It was not uncommon for him to spend several weeks a year hospitalized without insurance. Because of the financial hardship, Russ began purchasing his prescriptions every few months, instead of every month as directed. It was during this time he also found that he had developed CF-related diabetes and hypertension, partially as a result of neglecting his medications and treatments. In poor health and facing certain bankruptcy, a doctor introduced Russ to CF Solutions in 1997.


Since that time, they have provided him medications and treatments, without any regard to his financial situation. Thankfully, Russ is one of the lucky ones. Thanks to considerable help from CF Solutions, both his health and financial situation improved significantly over the years. But, for hundreds of other patients and their families, CF-Solutions represents their only hope for health.